Monday, 31 March 2014

FastScanner v3.0 Final AT4RE

Yet another Win32 PE Packer / Protector Identifier.


- Fast Scanner is a Detector for most packer, cryptors and compiler for PE Files Program in ASM and designed for fast access to most needed plugins.

FastScanner v3.0 Final Change log :
07 Januari 2010

  1. Update signature Database file.
  2. Add Tricks Finder function in the Information dialog. [Still Beta]
  3. Fixed Bug when click in the Smart-Scan butti=on twice.
  4. Fixed Bug with Overlay size.
  5. Many Bug Fixed in the program.
FastScanner v.3.0 Beta 3 Change Log:
18 Desember 2009
  1. Update and Optimize signature Database file.
  2. Udate SmartScan method.
  3. Improve the information dialog.
  4. Add Overlay signature detection in the Information dialog.
  5. Add number of sections detection method.
  6. Add JunckCode Detection.
  7. AT4RE Overlay Tool v0.2 by STRELiTZIA.
  8. Hash & Crypto Detector v1.4 by Mr. Paradox.
  9. Signature Manager v1.1 by GamingMasteR.
  10. Fixed Bug in Smart-Scan with some protectors.
  11. Fixed Bug with ToolTip when using Smart-Scan.
  12. Fixed BUg when scanning a folder.
  13. Fixed Bug in tha scanning algorithm.
FastScanner v3.0 Beta 2 Change Log:
26 Oktober 2009
  1. Add colors to the disassembler by GamingMasteR.
  2. Add SmartScan method.
  3. Add Overlay Detection method.
  4. Fixed Bug in ScanDirectory.
  5. Fixed Bug in Scanning an opened file.
  6. Fixed Bug with RLPacK protected files.
  7. Fixed Bug in Detecting Ocerlay.
  8. Fixed Bug in Detecting Fake-Signature.
  9. Fic=xed Bug in Matches number in the Total-Scan.

FastScanner v3.0 Beta Change Log:
25 September 2009

  1. Change Signature DataBase for more accuracy.
  2. Updating the Scanning Algorithm.
  3. New and Powerful Signature Manager plugin.
  4. New Hash & Crypto detector plugin by Mr.Paradox.
  5. New GFX for Version 3 by RobenHoodArab.
  6. Add new PEHeader-Viewer dialog to main windows in FS.
  7. Add Hex-Viewer and Resource-Viewer on the PEHeader-Viewer Dialog.
  8. Add tooltops with information about the content of PEHeader-Viewer dialog.
  9. Add Unpacking Information dialog (Still Beta).
  10. Add Scan Directory dialog.
  11. Add Compiler Detection Mechanism.
  12. Add Anti-Fake Signature algorithm.
  13. Update the Export and Import Viewer dialogs.
  14. Fixed Bug in Import Table Viewer with Unpack.
  15. PE EDITOR : Fixed Bug in Resource Viewer.
  16. PE EDITOR : Fixed Bug in Import Table Viewer.
  17. PE EDITOR : Fixed Bug in Export Table Viewer
  18. PE EDITOR : Add Read Only-Mode and Full Access-Mode.
  19. PE EDITOR : Add 16Edit HexEditor by yoda.

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